Top Four Reasons Why a Loft is a Must for Families

One of the most significant benefits of a loft is the open-concept living space. These vast spaces are ideal for family time together. They provide play space, making the perfect living space for two or more children. Open-concept living areas such as those in Central West End lofts can also be excellent places for children to learn about sharing and cooperation.

Open-Concept Lifestyle

Families who want to live in a loft or other open-concept home should understand that the design of a home should be flexible in terms of its use. For example, a family may want an enclosed dining area, and the kitchen area may have ample open space, but if a room in a loft is too small for its intended purpose, an open-concept design will make it feel bigger.

Open-concept layouts have many benefits. For one thing, an open layout allows for more natural light, which can reduce energy bills. It also enhances health, as natural light is an excellent source of vitamin D.


Families with more than one member can benefit from the spaciousness of a loft. The open space can help parents monitor their children. Open floor plans also provide enough space for parents to work while watching their kids. The space is also conducive to playtime. A loft can provide a place for all their toys for young children.

A loft should have a minimum opening height of 44 inches off the ground floor. In addition, the opening must be at least 5.7 square feet. It should be wide enough for a person to fit through comfortably. Depending on the region, some rules may stipulate the opening size.


A loft is a beautiful space for families to gather and play games. Many lofts are spacious enough to accommodate multiple gaming machines or pool tables. This space is separate from the rest of the house but is still close enough to family members to enjoy a game without disturbing them.

However, lofts differ from North Brooklyn apartments built for transient populations. Their high turnover rate makes them unaffordable for many families, especially low-income families. Those who can afford to live in a loft in North Brooklyn typically earn around $55,000 per year.

Commute times

Whether single or married, commute time is a significant factor when choosing where to live. Long commutes can lead to many problems for your health, including poor sleep and less exercise. It also adds to your family’s financial burden.

A home purchase necessitates extensive monetary planning. Sometimes homeowners need to be made aware of how pricey commuting is. Homeowners should consider commute costs in their monthly expenses. Fuel costs, maintenance, repairs, wear and tear, parking fees (if applicable), and higher automotive rates must all be considered by drivers. Similarly, those who use public transportation must consider the cost of their daily ticket/pass and the cost of parking at the train or bus station. An incorrect calculation of commuting costs on a dedicated budget can tilt the balances in the wrong direction.

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